“If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don’t. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he’s president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we’ll continue to have presidents we didn’t elect and didn’t want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there’s climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don’t want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the “liberal” position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen.”
— Michael Moore
“Who killed Davey Moore, Why an’ what’s the reason for? ”Not me, “ says the boxing writer, Pounding print on his old typewriter, Sayin’, “Boxing ain’t to blame, There’s just as much danger in a football game.” Sayin’, “Fist fighting is here to stay, It’s just the old American way. It wasn’t me that made him fall. No, you can’t blame me at all.” Who killed Davey Moore, Why an’ what’s the reason for?”
— Bob Dylan
“You can play with all the toys of cinema, spend millions and millions of dollars of other people’s money, have all the agencies and studios lick your balls, all the likes and views your ego can possibly consume, but unless you reach an emotional place within the viewer of your work, you have not succeeded in your craft.”
— Anonymous
“Although I spent hours each day, alone and silent, attached to a laptop, it felt as if I were in a constant cacophonous crowd of words and images, sounds and ideas, emotions and tirades — a wind tunnel of deafening, deadening noise. So much of it was irresistible, as I fully understood. So much of the technology was irreversible, as I also knew. But I’d begun to fear that this new way of living was actually becoming a way of not-living.”